Introducing the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard for Law Enforcement

Brian Mc Grew
VP of Education

bulletinWizardLandingAdventos announces the launch of the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard. The SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard is the first and only research-based bulletin maker for law enforcement crime analysts and detectives with templates that create standardized crime analysis products formatted to maximize tactical crime reduction responses. Read entire article here.


Introducing the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard

José Herrera
VP of Technology


Since the publication of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan and subsequent NCISP Version 2.0, much progress has been made in law enforcement around the collection of information and sharing of intelligence.  However, the increasing demands on law enforcement and the exponential amount of data available for analysis provide an on-going challenge to law enforcement agencies.

Data that is not easily accessed or consumed can result in poor decisions, slow responses, and sub-optimal results.  Time-saving software is paramount to the continued success of intelligence-led policing strategies for reducing and preventing crime.

Because speed is critical to public safety, we at Adventos developed the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard to reduce the time and effort to produce crime analysis products and to increase the tactical activity and results of law enforcement responses.

The SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard provides user-friendly templates to create Officer Safety, BOLO, Problem Area, and Pattern bulletins with all the critical information required for an effective tactical bulletin.  Crime Analysts and Detectives no longer need to waste time cutting and pasting different sized pieces of data and maps onto a word document.

In addition, the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard provides a visually pleasing and standardized format for crime analysis products so that intelligence is quickly consumed and converted into officer actions.  Officers spend less time reading and more time acting.

By creating the right bulletins every time in half the time with the SmartForce™ Bulletin Wizard, you and your agency can continue to improve on the recommendations of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, free-up time for other important crime reduction projects, and elevate the levels of public safety in your community.

We invite you to view a demonstration video by clicking here or you can get your money-back guarantee subscription now by going to so you can inject more speed and ease into your public safety initiatives.

If you are interested in learning more about information sharing and intelligence dissemination software, please visit our website at
