Implementing a Stop and Contact Policy Based on 21st-Century-Policing

The SmartForce® Team
SmartForce Technologies Inc.

Strengthening Police-Community Relations Through Data-Driven Stop and Contact Practices

As law enforcement agencies strive to adapt to 21st-century policing principles, it’s important to develop and implement stop-and-contact policies that foster trust and transparency. By incorporating these principles and utilizing contact data effectively, police departments can improve their policing practices and strengthen police-community relationships. This blog post will outline the steps for implementing a stop-and-contact policy that includes modern policing values and leverages data collection for continuous improvement.

Establish Clear Guidelines for Stops and Contacts

Develop objective criteria and guidelines for initiating stops and contacts based on factors such as reasonable suspicion or probable cause. Avoid subjective factors like appearance or race to ensure impartial treatment for all community members. Clear guidelines also promote consistency and professionalism among officers.

Integrate 21st-Century Policing Principles

Incorporate key principles, such as community policing, procedural justice, and bias-free policing, into the stop-and-contact policy. The policy will align with modern expectations for effective law enforcement by emphasizing fairness, transparency, and community engagement.

Provide Comprehensive Agency Training

Provide officers with thorough training on the stop-and-contact policy, legal and ethical principles, cultural understanding, and effective communication skills. Well-trained officers are better equipped to conduct stops and contacts fairly and professionally, promoting greater public trust.

Implement Data Collection and Analysis

Invest in technology and software solutions to facilitate data collection and analysis on stops and contacts. Train officers on proper documentation practices to ensure accurate and comprehensive data. Regularly review and analyze the data to identify trends, disparities, and opportunities for improvement in policing practices. CitizenContact can help you implement stop-and-contact data collection, reporting, and analysis.

Engage the Community

Actively involve community members and stakeholders in developing and implementing the stop-and-contact policy. Solicit input, participate in community forums, and work with local organizations to address concerns and promote a shared understanding of the policy’s objectives and benefits.

Ensure Accountability and Transparency

Regularly review and update the stop and contact policy to maintain effectiveness and relevance. Evaluate officer compliance and address instances of misconduct promptly. Share information about the policy, including contact data, with the public and stakeholders to demonstrate commitment to transparency and accountability.

Collaborate with External Partners

Partner with social service agencies, mental health professionals, and other community organizations to address the root causes of crime and develop solutions. This collaborative approach supports the broader goals of 21st-century policing and promotes long-term crime reduction and community well-being.

Measure Performance and Outcomes:

Continuously evaluate the policy’s effectiveness by collecting and analyzing data on crime rates, community satisfaction, and officer performance. Use this information to refine and improve the policy and related strategies over time, ensuring that the police department remains responsive to community needs and expectations.

Implementing a stop-and-contact policy based on 21st-century policing principles is critical in promoting public trust and strengthening police-community relationships. By focusing on clear guidelines, comprehensive training, data-driven decision-making, community engagement, and accountability, law enforcement agencies can foster a fair and effective policing environment that benefits both officers and the community.

Click here to request a copy of an example stop-and-contact policy based on 21st-century policing principles.
