Bulletin Wizard Group Sharing: a new feature available Now

José Herrera
VP of Technology

bulletinWizard_whatsNewWe are incredible proud of our Bulletin Wizard and today we announce the release of a new features: Groups Sharing. This new functionality allow members to share Bulletins in a fast and secure way.

Group Section

We have added a new section called “My Group”.
This section allows you to create a group of collaborators in order to share all the bulletins that you or they have created.


Group Section | Create Group

You can create your group with any name as long as it is unique. Once the group is created you can invite members. They will receive an email with the invitation. When they accept it, they will be part of that group to view and edit bulletins.
Important! Only the owner can invite members.


Group Section | Views

You and the members of this group will have two possible views: “Bulletins” and “Members”.


Group Section | Views | “Bulletins” View

In the “Bulletins” view, the owner and the members will be able to see and edit all the bulletins that were created.


Group Section | Views | “Members” View

In the “Members” view, you will see every single member of this group.
Important! Only the owner has the permissions to delete a member or the entire group.
Important! Any member can leave the group whenever they want.
Important! A member user can only be part of one group at the time.


A full list of enhancements can be found here.


Response to Resistance as a way to de-escalate violence.

David Bibiloni
Regional Implementation Manager


At Adventos, we’re big believers in the idea that tracking Response to Resistance incident reduces violence. However, you will be surprised to hear that one of the most under-reported features of our Response to Resistance application is the ability to report instances when the use of force was justified, but instead, it was avoided by officers.

We are not alone on this belief. Please take a look at this article posted by PoliceOne.

This is a consistent vision of SmartForce™ line of products since 2015. In fact, we are in the forefront of Agency Management System providing state of art tools where Police departments across the nation can use hard data to showcase the outstanding job that officers are performing day to day in our communities to keep us all safe, and not only as a way to highlight the negatives that we sometimes see highlighted in the media.

We believe Use of Force and other similar common terms/ products are outdated on terms not only of functionality but also in terms of negative connotations for both the law enforcement agencies, as well as, the communities they serve.

To learn more about our current and expanding features, developed in collaboration with our Law enforcement customer partners, visit our site at www.adventos.com.
