Taking the Leap into Insights-Led Policing

Mariano Delle Donne


Law enforcement organizations face many multi-faceted challenges every day. The challenge of using data that is now widely available to be more effective and proactive can be a daunting task that gets overshadowed by other priorities. However, once the benefits of becoming more insights-led are examined, no organization can afford to not take advantage of the richness of information and analytics. Some police departments have taken the leap into gathering insights from their data to get more crime solving and prevention results. Because the insights-led approach is a continuous cycle of learning and improving, all departments and organizations can use more support in terms of becoming more insights-led.

Adventos wants all law enforcement organizations to be able to take advantage of the richness in insights and be equipped with the necessary tools to be insights-led. A recent white paper Getting Real About Insights-Led Policing is designed to present the case for utilizing an insights-led approach to policing, sharing real world anecdotes, and providing concrete steps to taking the leap. We want it to be a relevant resource for commanders and also a conversation starter with your teams about how you can take the leap into using more and better insights.

You can follow experiences of the Port St. Lucie Police Department and Chief John Bolduc to see how it plays out in a fast changing city to distill insights, apply it to all types of challenges, learn from each cycle, and reiterate for the next cycle. Chief Bolduc is realistic about the work that it takes to be true to the insights-led model, but he is enthusiastic about the results they have been able to achieve with this model of policing. He attributes the 60% reduction in property crimes to better use of insights and combining it with other tried and true policing strategies. You also won’t want to miss the colorful and “insightful” voice in which Chief Bolduc recounts his wisdom and experiences.

The free white paper lays out the characteristics and benefits of an insights-led organization. More importantly, it gives specific strategies to use mechanisms and processes you are already using like the SARA (scanning, analysis, response, and assessment) Model to get more results with insights. The SARA Model and the insights-led approach are both natural learning processes, but the intelligence that can be gathered and used with insights takes policing to the next level of effectiveness and efficiency. There are ways of ensuring accountability by implementing Stratified Policing Model to share insights from crime analysts to every level of the force and directing specific action steps to the right level of command.

SmartForce® is an indispensable tool in the insights-led approach because it is designed for modern day policing necessities such as data safety compliance and real-time sharing of information; but it also enables true collaboration within your force. With these key pieces and other fundamental components in the white paper, we lay a roadmap for you to explore becoming more insights-led regardless of where you are today in the spectrum of being only data-led to becoming more insights-led.

The first step in taking the leap into insights-led policing is downloading the white paper and sharing it with your force. As you digest it and apply it to your own work, please let us know what other resource, information, or tool we can help provide for your insight-led journey.


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