The Four Ways That Email is Hurting Your Organization… and What You Can Absolutely Do About It

Mariano Delle Donne


Believe it or not, there are certain situations where email is just NOT an appropriate or effective communication method… and many scenarios amongst law enforcement rank high on this list. You may think that there are few things faster than sending a quick email to keep someone in the loop, but there are a number of ways in which email is likely hurting your entire organization that you don’t even realize.

Thankfully, there is also something that you can do about it right away.

1. Email Has Worse Security Than You’d Think
Perhaps the number one way that email is hurting your organization has to do with security, or a lack thereof. Simply put, if you are sending sensitive information via email you are NOT CJIS compliant, and the chances are high that at some point you will accidentally email something to someone who shouldn’t have gotten it in the first place. Between accidental recipients to improperly “Reply All” situations to messages getting forwarded to the wrong person, this has “bad news” written all over it.

2. Email Has Almost No Accountability
Email is a terrific notification method and it’s also great for one-on-one communication situations. But in instances where team collaboration is a requirement, email is a detriment for one very important reason: accountability. If email truly is your “inbox for work,” there is a very slim chance that you can actually get a clear status as to where things are in the chain of command, who is supposed to be doing what (and when), and more. There’s just no transparency, particularly as you navigate a world that requires secure, CJIS compliant team collaboration with long running operations.

3. Email is Overwhelming
Think about the volume of different types of email messages you receive daily: birthday wishes, retirement party notifications, notices from outside agencies and much more. All of these land in your email alongside shift briefings and crime bulletins. Your brain desperately tries to make sense of it, process it, filter it and sort it so that you can get to work… often with less than adequate results.

In fact, four out of five agencies that we surveyed at Adventos said that they were so overwhelmed by email that “in some cases, we just hit delete when the crime analyst sends us a bulletin.”

4. Young People Hate Email
Millennials are used to fast and efficient communication methods that they can access anywhere, from any device, at any time. They absolutely hate having to connect the dots from a multitude of emails, leading to a classic case of “death by email.” As your workforce continues to get younger from here on out, it is absolutely time for a change.

What You Can Do About It

Thankfully, the SmartForce™ BulletinWizard™ was built from the ground up to address situations like these and more. Create and manage your bulletins with a secure, standardized and evidence-based bulletin maker – freeing yourself from the restrictions of email for now and for all time. Not only that, but BulletinWizard is also CJIS compliant – it is intended to allow a crime analyst or detective to create the right bulletins quickly and securely, managing them all in a centralized location for the benefit of an entire organization.

SmartForce can be used for the sharing of information and intelligence in ALL situations – from the routine shift briefing to the complex operation, from crime stats to major crimes investigations. These are the types of benefits that we want to help your entire organization enjoy here at Adventos. With a secure collaboration environment, everyone in the organization can be sure of their role and see relevant information. You will improve accountability in your agency and speed up crime reduction strategies.

It’s time to say “goodbye” to email and say “hello” to SmartForce.

Call us today at 303-800-5040, or visit us at


SmartForce BulletinWizard aids Retail Theft Initiatives

Mariano Delle Donne


According to a recent study conducted by the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, retail theft may be growing at a greater rate than most would guess.  It is estimated that there are 27 million shoplifters operating in the United States today – a number that breaks down to about one out of every 11 shoppers. The cost to the retail industry is approaching $50 billion per year according to a recent NRF Survey.

To impact the world of retail theft, store owners and loss prevention managers must provide key information to their law enforcement agency and other store owners that can help detect retail crime patterns, identify potential shoplifters, and inform of shoplifter MO’s.

Introducing SmartForce BulletinWizard for Retail Theft

At Adventos™, we make it our mission to provide solutions that connect law enforcement agencies and their community partners with crime information that can reduce, prevent, or deter crime.

The SmartForce™ BulletinWizard for Retail Theft helps businesses curb retail theft by providing loss prevention managers a way to communicate key information and to alert their local law enforcement agency as well as other retail partners simultaneously about suspects, MO’s, etc. using law enforcement and loss prevention friendly language.

The major benefit of the solution comes by way of the Retailer Crime Bulletin Board, a common bulletin board with secure group sharing functionality that makes communication easier than ever between the retailer, their local law enforcement partner, and other retailers who may want to participate in thwarting shrink.

With the Retail Theft BulletinWizard, you can maintain superior visibility over factors such as:

  • People who have attempted to steal from you in the past, or those who you believe have stolen from you.
  • The specific type of property, goods or other assets that were targeted and stolen.
  • Check or credit card fraud.
  • Information about any attempts you’ve made to identify these people.

As mentioned, it is also possible to use the solution to identify certain trends and patterns as they develop – many of which would have previously gone undiscovered. You can see repeat offenders and how often they target your location, or which “hot ticket” items are the most common theft targets so you can make better and more informed decisions on how to protect your property. Our retail partners will also be pleased to know that a direct connection with local police departments is included in the cost of your subscription.

For questions about the SmartForce BulletinWizard for Retail Theft or how to order this new tool, please don’t delay – contact Adventos today at (303) 800-5039.


Bulletin Wizard New Feature: Multi Group Sharing

José Herrera
VP of Technology


We are very proud to announce that the number one enhance requested by our clients has been completed. Many of you asked for the ability to create multiple Groups for sharing bulletins. This feature is now live and details can be found here.

Groups Section

We have added a new section called “Groups”.
This section allows you to create groups of collaborators in order to share all the bulletins that you or others have created.


Groups Section | Create Group

You can create your groups with any name as long as it is unique. Once the group is created you can invite members. They will receive an email with the invitation. When they accept it, they will be part of that group to view and edit bulletins.
Important: Only the owner can invite members.33

Groups Section | Views

You and the members of this group will have two possible views: “Bulletins” and “Members”.


Groups Section | Views | “Bulletins” View

In the “Bulletins” view, the owner and the members will be able to see and edit all the bulletins that were created.


Groups Section | Views | “Members” View

In the “Members” view, you will see every single member of this group.
Important: Only the owner has the permissions to delete a member or the entire group.
Important: Any member can leave the group whenever they want.


Groups Section | List of your “Groups”

In order to see the list of your groups, you should click on “Groups”.


Groups Section | List of your “Groups”

In that list, you can see all your groups, the owners and the members of each one.


A full list of enhancements can be found here.


New Adventos™ website

Mariano Delle Donne

newWebSiteAdventos™ delivers solutions that reduce challenges, increase efficiency, and improve effectiveness. We are excited to share that our website is no exception!

Today, the Adventos™ Team introduces the new Adventos™ website at With the aim to serve you better, we did a quick scrub and now feature a cleaner design with simplified navigation. While we were under the hood, we also updated our artwork.

Most importantly we overhauled our product content to concisely reflect what our site visitors and customers have asked about most.

Same mission, same message, NEW methods: That’s what we’re all about and, now, our website is too. Take a look around and see for yourself- we hope you like the new look and feel as well as the refreshed content.


Bulletin Wizard Group Sharing: a new feature available Now

José Herrera
VP of Technology

bulletinWizard_whatsNewWe are incredible proud of our Bulletin Wizard and today we announce the release of a new features: Groups Sharing. This new functionality allow members to share Bulletins in a fast and secure way.

Group Section

We have added a new section called “My Group”.
This section allows you to create a group of collaborators in order to share all the bulletins that you or they have created.


Group Section | Create Group

You can create your group with any name as long as it is unique. Once the group is created you can invite members. They will receive an email with the invitation. When they accept it, they will be part of that group to view and edit bulletins.
Important! Only the owner can invite members.


Group Section | Views

You and the members of this group will have two possible views: “Bulletins” and “Members”.


Group Section | Views | “Bulletins” View

In the “Bulletins” view, the owner and the members will be able to see and edit all the bulletins that were created.


Group Section | Views | “Members” View

In the “Members” view, you will see every single member of this group.
Important! Only the owner has the permissions to delete a member or the entire group.
Important! Any member can leave the group whenever they want.
Important! A member user can only be part of one group at the time.


A full list of enhancements can be found here.


Bulletin Wizard: the best keeps getting better

José Herrera
VP of Technology


We continue to make improvements on our bulletin Wizard application based on feedback from customers and prospects around the country. Please take a look at some of the main improvement this new version has to offer.

“Attemp To Identify” and “Attemp To Locate” bulletins

Now you have an specific template to make your “Attempt To Identify” and “Attempt To Locate” bulletins. You can find these new templates using filters on “My Bulletins”.


“Attemp To Identify” and “Attemp To Locate” bulletins | Photos

On both templates, you can add up to six photos.
Also we added, in all templates, a field where you can write a comment over each image and select the format you need.


A full list of enhancements can be found here.


PIO Need Better Tools

Mariano Delle Donne


Public Information Officers, commonly referred to as PIOs, are the communications coordinators who working diligently with law enforcement agencies, fire departments, local and state governments, school districts and more who provide mission-critical information to the public on a regular basis.

In essence, it is their job to keep us informed. When we need to know something, they’re the ones that provide it with us. They play a pivotal role in everything from standard day-to-day operations to public emergencies and everything in between.

And unfortunately, they need better tools. Or at least, tools that are better than the ones they have right now.

The PIO Problem

The main reason why PIOs need better tools than the one that they have now stems from a general misunderstanding about the work they do daily. The job of a Public Information Officer is NOT simply to pass data from “Point A” to “Point B.” It actually extends quite a bit deeper than that. They’re not a spokesperson or a public relations professional – they need open and secure lines of communication with the communities they serve. They need to not only communicate but COLLABORATE, both internally and with the surrounding areas.

Presently, the technology that many PIOs rely on leaves a lot to be desired to say the least. These systems are simply not set up to respond to incidents in fast, effective and smart ways, to say nothing of the lack of organization required to build their culture and showcase all of the great work that goes on in the world of law enforcement (not just the “bad news” that is so commonly reported by the press).

Simply put, we at Adventos believe that PIOs need a tool that will allow them to do all of this and more. They need something that not only gives them the ability to do the work they need to do, but HOW they like to do it.

And thankfully, we’ve just given it to them.

The Public Information Officer Module

The Public Information Officer module in SmartForce was designed from the ground up with a simple word in mind: empowerment. PIOs have access to all the data they need to communicate and collaborate with their communities in the safest and most effective ways possible right at their fingertips.

The “Contacts” list includes category fields like “News,” “Social Media,” Liaison,” “Community” and more, allowing them to instantly share the right data with the right people at the touch of a button. The “Media Kit” is a fully functional document library supporting all of today’s most commonly used formats, making sure that absolutely nothing is lost in translation.

Creating customized press releases is also a breeze, as the “Press Releases” list in the PIO module includes criteria like:

  • Type of Incident (user editable)
  • Date Prepared
  • Incident Location
  • Cause of Incident
  • Additional Hazards
  • Status and more

The “Feature Stories,” “Incidents,” “Social Media” and “Other Documents” document libraries were also designed with this goal in mind. They’re intended to help PIOs get organized, compile the most actionable, valuable data at their fingertips so that they have everything they need to make the most informed choices moving forward.

But able all else, the “Public Information Officer” module is simple. We believe that PIOs should have the ability to work smarter, not harder, which is one of the reasons why we at Adventos are champions of the idea that a 21st century job like a PIO should have access to the latest and greatest 21st century tools at the same time.


You spoke, we listened!

José Herrera
VP of Technology


We have been getting a lot of positive feedback from our customers with regards the functionality available on our new product: Bulletin Wizard. We have been working very hard and I am pleased to inform that we have incorporated an impressive amount of new features and improvements into our latest version of the bulletin Wizard. Please take a look at our What’s New that outline all the changes and new functionality available today.

 Telephone Extensions

Now you can add to the bulletins your telephone extensions, not only on the bulletins header also in the Detective information on the footer.



Your bulletins have a status label. There are three status options: Active, Inactive and Resolved. Clicking over each status label, you can change it to another option.


Status | Active

Active means that the bulletin is currently ongoing.


Status | Inactive

Inactive means that the bulletin is currently disabled.


Status | Resolved

Resolved means that the bulletin is currently finalized.


My Bulletins | File Actions | View

Clicking over the “View” action, you can see the complete bulletin with its status label or you also will be able to download again as a pdf, an image or print it.


A full list of enhancements can be found here.


New Crime Reduction Webinar Educational Opportunity!

Brian Mc Grew
VP of Education


When it comes to crime reduction efforts, at least 3 questions must be answered as a law enforcement agency heading into 2017.

1. Did we achieve our crime reduction goals and results in 2016?
2. What are our crime reduction goals for 2017?
3. What can help my agency achieve our 2017 goals?

In our upcoming FREE webcast, we’ll provide you with education and tools needed for executing micro-time hot-spots policing as a proactive policing strategy for reducing, preventing, or disrupting crime. Join us to learn evidence-based best practices that produce a 20%+ reduction in property crimes in micro-time hot-spots from the researchers themselves, including:

✓ Why respond to short-term as well as long-term hot spots
✓ What type of police response works in micro-time hot-spots
✓ How leaders can make sure responses are happening
✓ Time-saving and effective interactive tools

Master one of the most effective 21st century policing strategies: Micro-time Hot-Spots Policing. Register Now before all seats are taken!

Thanks for all you do and be safe!


Our Bulletin Wizard is getting even better

José Herrera
VP of Technology


Building on the great success we had of the launch of the Bulletin Wizard last month, we are now very proud to announce that a new version of the bulletin Wizard is now available. It contain a number of enhancement driven by our users and customers to improve the usability and user experience.

Auto-save locally and save to the cloud

We made an enhancement that allow users to save their bulletins. Now the Bulletin Wizard has an auto save feature that preserves all your current info until you click Done. Clicking Done manually saves your bulletin to the cloud.


Bulletins’ Header

Save your bulletins headers. When you populate your bulletin, the header will be saved automatically.
Important! The header saved belongs only to the bulletin section where you worked on.


My Bulletins

We added “My Bulletins” option in the dropdown menu.
When you save your bulletins in the server, you will be able to see, edit or delete the bulletins you have done.



Filter using different types of bulletins.
It begins with all the filters selected but if you click over a particular filter, the rest will be deselected.
After that, you can choose more than one.


File Actions

You have three actions to handle the bulletins you have done.


A full list of enhancements can be found here
