Easy Steps to Implementation of an Agency Management System

Mariano Delle Donne

implementationAlmost any business that implements a new software system faces reluctant staff members who do not want to give up using their tried and true system and transition to a new one. You can make strides in overcoming this reluctance by focusing on a few implementation steps.

Utilize a Collaborative Approach: Emphasize Need for Feedback

Engage new users in the implementation process in the early phases of selecting the system before implementation actually begins. Create an environment of collaboration by establishing a mechanism for feedback beginning from the time you first inform users there will be a new system.

Throughout the process, collect pros and cons from your users. Find out what is and isn’t working with the AMS. Ask the right questions to bring forth relevant information from those who are obviously struggling, but may have trouble articulating their concerns.

Many times what people think isn’t working presents a simple teaching moment. Other times it might be a question for the deployment team. Either way, solution-oriented feedback is a great way to overcome the challenges of using the new tool.

When a focus is on collaboration and concerns of the users are addressed, they feel like they are part of the process and are more willing to cooperate and be enthusiastic about the new system. Continue engaging with personnel throughout the entire implementation process.

Implement the New System in Phases and Keep It Super Simple

Make it simple: Keep in mind the “crawl, then walk, then run” concept as you implement the new system in phases, so those who may be “technophobic” are not intimidated. The easier the new tool is to use and understand, the easier it will be to become accustomed to it, and the fewer problems there will be.

Take the time to train less technical users on how these new tools work and how the tools will improve the ease with which they do their daily job tasks, as well as improve their communication with other crime analysts.

Implement in phases: Implementing the new program in phases is a major part of making it easy. Begin each phase with a discussion of how the software is expected to work and how it will make each user’s specific tasks simpler and more efficient. Emphasize the advantages of the new system over the old.

Provide a way to receive frequent feedback from users so that concerns can be addressed before they become real problems. Consider having periodic brainstorming sessions where users can share their concerns and obtain solutions.

As users learn the benefits of the new system, and as collaboration becomes the norm in your agency, people will want to bring sensitive projects onto the intranet. Using the tools will become common practice and staff will enjoy sharing content only with those to whom they choose to make it accessible.

Best Practices Are Ever-Changing

Processes, policies and procedures change with the times. Annual revisions will keep all employees and staff up-to-date and compliant with new agency policy and keep them current on how the Agency Management System will be used.

Parties interested in the SmartForce™ Agency Management System and how it improves intelligence and community collaboration, click here. After watching the demo video, you are invited to request a free trial of the agency management system to try for yourselves.


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