How SmartForce Maintains CJIS Compliance

Doug Owens
Director of Implementation

All agencies serving the public must pay extra attention to the security of the computerized systems they use. This is especially true of police agencies. These departments use computers to keep track of evidence, assign cases and tasks to officers, and handle other essential operations. Such types of information need a higher level of protection than general data.

To provide the needed level of security, Adventos hosts its SmartForce system on Microsoft’s Government Cloud. This is a special set of cloud servers that incorporates several top-grade security systems and is compliant with CJIS. In states where a signed information agreement is necessary, Microsoft has signed the Security Addendum of the FBI CJIS Security Policy. This commits Microsoft to meeting the same requirements that public safety and law enforcement agencies are held to. It also means that your agency can prove compliance by using the signed Security Addendum as evidence.

Why Does the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) System Require Such High Security?

This system holds criminal records, fingerprint records, sex offender registrations, and other justice-related information. These sorts of records attract criminal computer activity because they can be used for identity theft, blackmail, and other such information-related crimes. Therefore, the law requires a high amount of computer security for those who handle criminal justice information (CJI). This law applies to cloud service providers and other private contractors as well as law enforcement agencies.

Choosing a CJIS-Compliant Provider Makes Data Security Easy for Your Agency

Setting up a full security system in-house can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. The easiest way to meet all of the requirements is to avoid coding your own system and outsource instead. With SmartForce, you’ll get far more than a security package in return. Your agency will get a fully-ready police agency management system that works on Microsoft’s CJIS-compliant Government Cloud. With the nuts and bolts of security already taken care of, all you need to do to be all set is start using the system.

Are There Any Security Requirements Left for Agencies to Handle?

Basic common sense precautions should be all that are required. Make sure passwords aren’t written down and left in the office, follow good security procedures with any printouts, and make sure to monitor access to your computers. These and other simple measures will help to ensure that your security doesn’t have any obvious openings.

To learn more about Adventos SmartForce, Microsoft’s CJIS compliance, or how everything works together, just contact us, at 303-800-5044. We’ll be glad to explain everything and show you how easy it can be to be completely CJIS compliant.


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