The Importance of Document Management in Public Safety

Doug Owens
Director of Implementation

documentManagementWe live in an age where data is more accessible than ever, which can make it difficult to properly manage. The importance of being able to find the right information when you need it the most cannot be overstated. This is particularly true in terms of public safety and law enforcement, where a delay in finding an important document can literally be the difference between life and death. This is one of the main reasons document management systems are so important.

The Risks of Poor Document Management

Nearly every business relies on a steady stream of accurate, timely information in order to do its job. A lack of concrete information often leads to siloed communication where multiple staff members are essentially working on the same tasks at the same time rather than focusing individually on separate issues to help propel an organization forward. Not only does this lead to a dip in productivity, but it can also harm morale in a way that is difficult to recover from.

These issues are compounded when you think of them in terms of the public safety sector, or even the average police department. Oftentimes police departments share documents using traditional file sharing services which, while convenient, does little to offer true efficiency. What difference does it make if a police officer has access to 1,000 newly created files if it takes longer than it should to find the one they need?

Document management is more than just making information available. It’s about providing information to guide decision-making. It’s about making communication not just easier, but more effective than it has ever been. It’s about enabling people to work “smarter, not harder” – particularly public safety employees who NEED that information to protect the communities they serve.

The Benefits of Document Management in a Public Safety Setting

A true document management solution brings a number of unique benefits to public safety organizations, like law enforcement agencies, that can’t be ignored. Not only does it allow for real-time, targeted communication (which can be particularly essential in the immediate aftermath of a crime), but it also helps to confirm that information is being seen and acknowledged by those who need it. It makes sure information flows up and down the chain of command. It allows for all correspondence to be managed from one central point-of-access, easily available to multiple departments or even multiple jurisdictions.

All of this gives way to perhaps the biggest benefit of all: it makes the management of crime intelligence and information such a naturally organic process that real-time, coordinated responses to major crimes can be executed.

Document management isn’t designed to replace existing protocols, however, it is designed to complement them. To make them better than ever. The SmartForce document management solution, for example, runs in tandem with SharePoint – allowing it to not only provide the deep document management functionality that is needed, but also to complement the existing workflow across an enterprise. Anything that SharePoint can do SmartForce can do as well, with the added benefit of including workflows and processes that are specifically designed for the public safety sector.

Public safety organizations in particular are dealing with more information than ever, which is a trend that shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. Simply having access to documents and data is no longer enough to get the job done – that information must be managed in a way that not only increases efficiency, but also helps people do the important jobs they’re trying to accomplish at the same time. In a public safety setting, document management is a necessary foundation to build better law enforcement agencies, better fire departments and other organizations that help protect us on a daily basis.

Parties interested in the SmartForce™ Agency Management System and how it improves intelligence and community collaboration, click here. After watching the demo video, you are invited to request a free trial of the agency management system to try for yourselves.


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