About the recent attacks

Mariano Delle Donne

americanFlagThe recent litany of attacks on police and civilians alike is beyond disturbing. They add to today’s already unsettled reality, and they call attention to our ability to correct the things that need correcting. Do we have bigger problems than racism? What is the enemy? How much bloodshed do we need to endure in order to identify the scope of our problems? And then: how long will it take to right the ship?

 I don’t know about you but 24/7 access to what’s bad in this world leaves me feeling very unsettled. It makes me wonder: is this world we live in really this bad…what I’m reading, and hearing, and watching?

 I don’t think it is. I don’t think it is because of what I see and witness when I’m not paying attention to the news—when I’m working or spending time with family and friends. At work, especially, I see that the focus has not changed—protecting the innocent. Despite what’s reported, most of our country’s law enforcement personnel wake up every day committed to protecting the innocent. I work with these people day in and day out. Most are driven by a deep desire to serve, to find the bad guys, and get them off our streets. That day-to-day grind is not newsworthy, however, so it goes unreported.

 Like you, I have a growing number of questions. And the only answer I’ve come to recently is that I know, 100 percent, things need to be fixed and we have to do it together. Collectively, we need to do whatever we can to improve our social situation. We need to be more vigilant citizens, holding each other and public officials accountable for the decisions we make.

 On behalf of the entire Adventos team and its Board, we stand united with America’s great citizenry and its protectors.


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