Law Enforcement Solutions Must be Mobile Ready

José Herrera
VP of Technology

mobileLaw enforcement agencies around the country are being asked to do a lot more with fewer resources. This means officers must be connected at all times in order to have the latest information and intelligence available to them, whether they are at their desks, in patrol cars or on foot patrol and across all their devices. Technology is supposed to speed up the process and facilitate better, faster and accurate results, not to create confusion and slow down the process.

One question frequently asked by customers and prospective clients is whether the ability of SmartForce™ to adapt to different types of devices is accomplished using an individual application, or app. The answer is no. This function is built directly into the software, giving it many benefits that an individual app can’t provide.

An app is by definition a software program that is developed to function on a specific operating system, for example, Android, Apple’s iOS, and Microsoft Windows, to name the most common. This fact alone limits an apps ability to function across different devices using different operating systems. A developer has to build a different app accomplishing the same thing for each system, and a user has to download a different app for each device. This isn’t an issue when the function is built into the software with the ability to adapt to all of these systems automatically.

Another benefit is providing a similar user experience across different devices. Using a separate app for each operating system renders a different interface on each device, meaning a user has to become familiar with each app to use it efficiently. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and mistakes. Smartforce™ built one solution that works everywhere with a seamless interface for faster adoption rates and ease of use.

Another concern is privacy. Apps often collect information and data without a user being aware of it, potentially sending data to a third party. In the field of public safety, with so much sensitive data involved, it’s an issue that has to be considered. SmartForce™ customers can always be assured that their data is safe and secure. Our Smartforce™ solution is CJIS certified.

We, at Adventos recognize that device adaptability without using apps is the new standard for law enforcement agencies around the globe, as a result we designed this functionality from day one, and has become one of the best features of SmartForce™ giving customers the real-world flexibility they need and expect so they can focus on services their communities.

To learn more about the current and expanding features of Smart Force AMS solution, developed in collaboration with our customer partners, please visit our site at


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